Will you see a different type of client post Covid-19 and if so, how will your clients have changed?
Jun 16, 2020
In this blog we are turning our attention to Clients and what Clients will be looking for once we emerge from the Pandemic. Will our Clients have changed?
We asked our Member agencies and business Partners the following question – Will you see a different type of client post Covid-19 and if so, how will your clients have changed?
Being a global network of Independent Agencies, we had a very broad range of answers, including some very honest…… ‘I have no idea!’
As one Member agency said ‘Uncertainty rules’.
However, there are some clear themes emerging which we have explored below.
The way in which we work.
Many of the views here are topics that have been discussed by our industry over the last couple of years. It seems that they are now being reinforced as a result of Covid-19.
A never-ending move to project-based work rather than retainers. The marketplace is becoming more and more competitive, with a huge range of new competitors and offerings, meaning that client loyalty and long term client relationships will be under greater threat than ever.
WFH is here to stay. There will be no return to the good old days. How agencies manage WFH and support their clients will be fundamental to their survival. In our new world, agencies must be innovative and imaginative in order to find new ways to understand and support the changing needs of their clients. If they don’t their place will be quickly taken.
Type of work.
Covid-19 will force agencies to stop concentrating on what they are good at and re-focus on delivering what clients want and need in this new world.
No1 is digital supremacy. This is backed up by recent feedback from Member agencies who are not just battling through the pandemic, but in some cases growing their Client business. Digital is King.
E-commerce will be really important along with some softer communications. Corporate messaging, purpose driven campaigns, CSR and supporting local communities will all be priorities for Clients moving forward.
Finance & Accountability.
We all know that budgets will be slow to come back and once they do, we’ll be back to the ‘more for less’ conversations. Agencies must find ways to communicate the value that they deliver and why great strategic thinking and bold ideas are one of the few remaining ways to deliver competitive advantage.
Not just understanding your client KPI’s, but talking about them with the C-suite will be vital. You need to be ready to justify your spend and once campaigns have run, proudly demonstrate the ROI achieved.
The world is changing for everyone and that includes our Clients. Marketing departments will be leaner and will probably have lost some senior players. For agencies that can deliver in this new world, clients will be relying on them even more.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Tribe Global network please get in touch.
Email: i.wright@tribeglobal.net
Tel: +44 7968 393 876