Mirren - Leadership
Jun 10, 2020
Tribe Global's MD Ian joined several other Independent Agency Networks at Virtual Mirren in May to talk about some of the key topics facing our industry. Here's a summary of his discussion points.
Thinking about leadership, what are we seeing? We are seeing that Covid-19 is the ultimate disruptor.
That means from a business point of view, that strong and inspirational leadership is more important than ever. The importance of your Leadership has been magnified by Covid-19, which is making all of us focus more on leadership which is really good.
Leaders today also face one other new challenge – I’d never thought about it before, but every business is now a health business. And we all have to work out quickly how we fit into this new health ecosystem.
One thing that I want to talk about is a piece of research that Tribe Global conducted in April & May of this year. We asked our agency and business leaders - how are you doing, and what are your plans for the next 6/12 months?
Our first question was all about how they were feeling. No1 response was focused followed by determined and hopeful. Not surprisingly worried came in at No4 with creative at No5.
So, a leadership strategy that combines - focus, determination, hope and creativity along with accessibility, visibility and empathy will play out really well in the current climate. And don’t forget celebrate every success.
So, here’s something that everyone can do now and its something that Tribe Global has done on its communications platform. Try and create more leaders. We created a post called ‘Supporting the Tribe Global community’ and we encouraged everybody to contribute, and they did – short term actions, sharing of ideas, things that worked and didn’t work, webinars and of course ideas for managing finances. We now have an amazing bank of learnings and ideas, which we share with all of TG.
Leadership today is all about support. And it’s about transforming your company into a community.
With thanks to our Hong Kong based Member agency Sinclair who hosted a webinar for the network sharing their learnings from COVID-19, they were able to help our Spanish Member agency DaGusto in the most difficult of times.
During this global crisis, DaGusto applied Revival Strategies based on Sinclair's experience for their client Gelateria La Romana , which they have kindly shared with us.
Stage 1:
The first step was to create a social media campaign which focused on positive messaging. Using the hashtag #TODOSALDRÁBIEN (everything will be fine) they collected Gelateria La Romana's team efforts at home and shared their positive vibes on social media.
Stage 2:
The next step was to activate Gelateria La Romana's delivery-at-home service and online games for kids which were published on their website. They adapted the #quedateencasa (stay at home) global message, and in doing so, increased engagement with the brand’s community whilst also increasing brand love.
DaGusto achieved a record number of interactions for Gelateria La Romana on Instagram. Posting relevant content with good captions and hashtags resulted in Instagram’s algorithm organically displaying Gelateria La Romana’s content more. And due to the COVID-19 situation, the DaGusto team had more resources and time and were able to double their social media efforts for the client, posting daily and dedicating more time to Q&A’s for Gelateria La Romana’s Instagram community. With regards to Facebook, DaGusto achieved +100% interactions and +377% reach for Geleteria La Romana's posts as well as +13% new page visits.

To find out how Tribe Global can help your brand, please contact Tribe's MD Ian on i.wright@tribeglobal.net