Time flies, it seems more so today than yesterday.
By the time you’re done reading this article, 4.1M Facebook posts will have been liked, 300 hours of original content will have been uploaded on YouTube, 86K hours of video streamed on Netflix, 650K tinder swipes, 65M words translated on Google … and that’s just in a minute.
Consumers today have more control than any other generation. So where does this leave you and your core business: B&M retail. Is it going to be all tech & content from now on? No. Your store is more important today than it ever was. This is where your brand credentials will shine through with no risk of interruption. The tech-enabled age is our biggest opportunity.
Surround yourself with experts who operate at the speed of culture (and more importantly understand the culture). We all know it is essential for your business to change in order to meet the increased customer expectations (an always-on, whatever-you-want kind of world).
At Tribe we don’t put ourselves in your customers shoes, we are your customers, we live like them and … yes we think like them. Our role is to ensure that we create an engaging and seamless omni-channel shopping experience.
Our collective minds don’t just plan for tomorrow, we design solutions for the now. Businesses that thrive tomorrow are those who will have understood today’s reality: allowing millennials to be millennials (selfie this, hashtag that?).
Disruption starts now, because tomorrow we might have less than a minute to prove it.