Agencies for A.P. Møller Mærsk

What gets you up in the morning?

Social responsibility is an area that can be a bit challenging to navigate for many companies. Just like purpose can be difficult to distinguish from vision and value proposition.

However, at A.P. Møller Mærsk, the notion of social responsibility is so deeply ingrained in the company's heritage that you can quote the founder as saying, "...short-term profit must not overshadow the long-term consideration for society's interests." An awareness of the interplay between profit and purpose, which in our days must be called exceptionally forward-thinking.

Mensch has helped translating this fundamental intention into a global purpose for the company on a journey that included interviews with employees worldwide, film shoots on multiple continents, and an anthropological study of the historical values' significance for the organization in a globalized present.

In summary, the values were redefined and communicated in a global campaign and the film "What gets you up in the morning?"

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